Vocational education and training


IKK Innovative Training Support Center Nonprofit Private Limited Company

1138 Budapest, Váci út 191.
Szilvási Zsuzsa

Open calls for proposals

Programme Operator: IKK Nonprofit Plc.

Objective of the Programme:

Ensure that young and adult workers who leave VET with high quality vocational qualifications can find jobs in the labour market to ensure their own social security and the economic stability of the country. One of the means of achieving economic stability is to ensure the availability of a sufficient number of skilled human resources for economic development through high quality vocational education of VET students and the development of competences that are also relevant to the needs of the economy.

The strategic objectives of the programme, in line with the already implemented and ongoing developments of the VET 4.0 strategy, will be achieved through

· the development of career guidance and

· the widespread use of project-based education and examinations

· the involvement of VET centres in the most disadvantaged regions and

· the dissemination of the development results at national level.

Swiss Contribution: 9 million CHF (HUF 3.7 billion)

National co-funding: 1.66 million CHF (HUF 657 million)


Programme Component Operator: IKK Nonprofit Plc.

The direct objective of the programme component is to integrate project-based education and examination methodology into the practice of the institutions of the VET centres implementing the development and their dual training partners. The introduction of the project-based education and examination methodology contributes to the development of the competences expected on the labour market for VET students and to the practice-based acquisition of high-level vocational knowledge.

The final beneficiaries of the programme component are the VET centres in the most disadvantaged regions of Hungary, maintained by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation.


Programme Component Operator: IKK Nonprofit Plc.

The direct objective of the programme component is to increase the efficiency of career guidance activities in the institutions of VET centres, based on the participation of entrepreneurs and the cooperation of service providers (e.g. chambers, primary schools, central offices) involved in career guidance. Career guidance interventions will support more informed career choices of students and, where necessary, career corrections, by providing more effective, experience-based information on learning pathways and labour market expectations, on the occupations taught in VET institutions, and by supporting students' career choices through direct personalised services and career guidance and counselling programmes. The planned measure will lead to an increase in the efficiency of careers guidance activities and an improvement in the expected labour market position of students.

The final beneficiaries of the programme component are the VET centres in the most disadvantaged regions of Hungary, maintained by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation.